At-Home Bodyweight Workout to Build Muscle and Lose Weight - Beginner Friendly

In this 45-minute live workout session with Mike Dewar, you can expect to sweat, build lean muscle, and get fit. Each workout includes warm ups, total body strength work, a high intensity WOD, and stretching. Bodyweight only, but if you have dumbbells or light weights you can modify those to use them in the workouts!

Equipment Needed:

  • NOTHING - just bodyweight

  • Chair and/or couch is optional, but not necessary

Click here to watch the replays of all our live streams

Looking to train 1-on-1 with a coach? Contact us to learn more about how virtual personal training sessions with a coach can help you get fit and reach your goals from home! Every workout is tailored to your goals, abilities, and the equipment you have at home. And most importantly, you have the accountability of a trainer and the expertise to help you perform movements correctly!

WATCH NOW | 45-Minute At Home Bodyweight Workout