All monthly subscription-based training programs include mobile app workout delivery, exercise video tutorials, and workout tracking. Remote 1-on-1 coaching also includes direct coach support (email and text), as well as video analysis of your lifts at least once a week.


Olympic Weightlifting

Beginner and Elite Team Programs

Choose between a 3-day beginner program or a 5-day intermediate to advanced athlete plan. All workouts are geared to increase snatch, clean and jerk, and overall strength for the sport of Olympic Weightlifting.

Hybrid Strength and Fitness

Hybrid Strength and High-Intensity Fitness Training

This program is for the beginner to advanced hybrid athlete who wants to build a strong and powerful physique, while still continuing to develop strength and endurance across all domains of fitness.

Experience the power of high volume focused bodybuilding, explosive weightlifting movements, and heart-thumping high-intensity competition style functional fitness workouts.

Remote Coaching

Custom Remote Coaching Programs

Whether you are an Olympic weightlifter, CrossFitter, sports athlete, or a beginner looking to feel better and get fit, this all-inclusive online coaching program includes custom workout plans, nutrition coaching, and coach support.



All programs are one-time purchases, are accessible on the mobile app, and come with exercise video tutorials, workout and performance tracking, and a private J2FIT Weightlifting Facebook support group.


Back in the Saddle

GPP Weightlifting

This is a 4-Week GPP (General Physical Preparedness) Olympic weightlifting training program geared for lifters who are getting back into training after a layoff period of minimal training specific to Olympic weightlifting.


Look Like You Lift

Weightlifting + Bodybuilding

This is a 20-week all-Inclusive Olympic weightlifting, barbell strength, and bodybuilding program that is geared to maximize weightlifting performance and aesthetics. This is perfect for the lifter looking to lift heavy and look strong.


Competition Peak

Competition Peak and Taper

This is a 4-Week Competition Peaking program for Olympic weightlifting geared for lifters who are preparing for a weightlifting competition. This program consists of 5 workouts per week, with the exception of meet week (3 workouts).


Beginner Weightlifter

100% Geared for Beginners

If you are at all interested in Olympic weightlifting, proper technique, and how to set yourself up for years of great training and healthy lifting… this is for you.100% made for beginners and has proven itself time and time again.



All programs are one-time purchases, are accessible on the mobile app, and come with exercise video tutorials, workout and performance tracking. These workouts are diverse and are target a wide range of fitness markers.


Dumbbell Bodybuilding - Vol 1

4-Week Dumbbell Only

This is a 4-week, four day dumbbell and bodyweight workout program that is geared to build muscle and improve fitness. These workouts are scalable for all levels, and can be done with light and heavy dumbbells. 


Dumbbell Bodybuilding - Vol 2

4-Week Advanced Dumbbell Only

This is a 4-week, four day program that is geared for individuals who are looking for a more advanced version of volume 1, or are already able to train at higher intensities. This is not a beginner program and is a high-intensity training program.